Monday, September 03, 2012


Yes... already.  There's no stopping time.  But I'm thankful for so much, so many small things, that when I revel in their simplicity, time slows.

Waking up to cheerful, dreamy sunshine.  Sitting in the hazy warmth reading out of our new history book. Three boys, each working differently, writing and drawing and thinking. Happy daughter singing as she dances alone on the trampoline under that sunny sky. Coffee almost too hot but soothing in its familiarity.  Freshly washed laundry drying slowly on the line. Sorting books and old things, saying goodbye to much yet re-appreciating some things and setting them out to be used again.  Husband who hangs out with the kids so I can search for their birthday presents among the used book stall on the market. Walking underneath the clouds in the shifting shadows they create.  Sweet home-grown red peppers and taste-filled yellow tomatoes in our salad.  Chat with a friend on the phone, managing to catch up in spite of the sleep-ready children surrounding me.  Messy corners restored to order.  Mr J's way with words: "Mum, I love you more than other children love their mums." 

It's nice to know I don't have to be perfect, have it all under control, sorted out, and logically configured.  Appreciating every single moment is the key.  No matter what.  I'm thankful I have had the chance to do this for one more day.


  1. I love your last paragraph. I'm trying to do the same thing. And Mr. J's words.. so so sweet. They are so what a mama needs to hear xo

  2. "I love you much more...", I love that. I will call my mom and tell her that today.

  3. Aww... lovely! :)

  4. That's one thing a second born can do better than his older bros. Tell Mr. J he has been awarded a gold medal in loving his mum.

  5. He would be impressed to hear you say that. :)

  6. So well said. :) I am really looking forward to this autumn. This summer has been brutal. During the autumn months, I feel like I can breathe again.

  7. Hear, hear!! Autumn is my favourite, too. :)


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