Friday, August 12, 2011

Another Birthday

His birth stands out so clearly in my memory.  It was a sunny, summery evening; sounds made by children playing on the street drifted in through the open window. So unlike today's muffled, grey August mugginess.  

Mr J, myself, and our other miniature human, Coo, strolled into town today for a trip to our local art gallery.  We spent less time playing in the children's room and looking at exhibits than we did gazing out the windows on the top floor of the gallery. We stared out over the town far below us, a jumble of old and new buildings with tiny people busily hurrying from place to place.  Mr J began talking about Doggieland, his imaginary place, telling me fascinating stories about Perdita, Chippy, and Fly.  Toy dogs to me... yet alive and real to him.

We enjoyed a hot drink together.

On our walk home, we watched the fire juggler.

We travelled on a Thomas train.

We took a photo of ourselves while saying hello to the concrete hippo in the town square.

And the water fountain, which is always dry!

Then we arrived home to a clean house thanks to the Daddy and The Boys.

Special days out don't have to cost a lot.  When you're turning six, £2 will do: one pound to drop in the fire juggler's hat and another for three rides on the Thomas train.

Birthday cake, of course, is free.

One of Mr J's gifts was a real magnifying glass!

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